Some Positive Impacts of Covid-19 on Global Economy

Global Economy

COVID-19 is a disease that spread very rapidly all over the world while its main causes remain unknown. It seemed to have started in china and moved to almost all parts of the world, afflicting millions of people and killing thousands within a short time. It was soon declared a pandemic and can rightly be called one of the most widely spread diseases in recent history. To date, COVID-19 has infected millions of people, caused thousands of businesses to close their operations, and thousands of workers to lose their jobs while others are forced to either go part-time or work from home as nothing seems to be the same anymore.

According to dissertation writing services UK, The global economy has been hit very badly by the COVID-19; from the USA to the UK, the Middle East to Australia, and Asia to Far East countries, the entire world was highly influenced by the pandemic situation. But surprisingly, as time passed and people adjusted to this new way of living and survival, some positive effects were also noticed. Naturally, a pandemic situation is taken in very negative terms due to the emotional, socio-economic, environmental as well as political, and cultural effects it has on a region.  However, it has also been observed that this pandemic had certain positive factors that helped to reintegrate and recognize the social system as a whole and, also helped economies restructure and do well.

The main objective of this article is to discuss and explore some positive effects of COVID-19 from a sociological perspective with special attention to the global economy and how people have accommodated their lifestyle under this pandemic. As every part of the world has been hit by this contagious virus, it becomes important to see how populations and businesses suffering from COVID-19 have been able to find a silver lining in these testing times.

People all over the world have adapted to the pandemic situation and they have learned what ideal social behavior should be in such a situation. It was quick and hard but even people from third world countries were able to catch up quickly; they learned the significance of washing their hands, using sanitizers, wearing masks, and using other hygiene products, including soaps and hand washes to stay safe. Industries manufacturing masks, sanitizers, bleaches, and other cleaning agents did great business even during the lockdown period, and the industry even saw a boon as the demand for these products remained high.

The government pandemic management systems and policies also played a key role in helping the global economy stay afloat. What otherwise would have taken years to implement was put into practice in just a few weeks due to the severity of the situation. The increased demand for many things that were not considered important before, such as aerosol sprays, industrial cleaners, and other such products was a sure sign of positivity. The general public, as well as the authorities, learned to cope with situations within whatever sources they had, which is sure a positive effect, and the overall economy was able to hold on instead of facing a serious setback.

People learned about social distance, a concept that was never tested in recent times; they knew about its rules, conditions, and procedures. They also got to know how painful it is but at the same time realized how useful it is within the family and community and could save lives. They also learned to contemplate the difference between a normal situation and a pandemic and how they should restructure their lives to avoid catching the virus most efficiently.

This pandemic gave people the power and the ability to engage in a high level of social cohesion or social consciousness to face the situation together, even while maintaining social distance or staying away from loved ones when needed. Everyone, rich or poor, professional or stay at home, has become used to a common lifestyle, sharing and caring for others, especially the elderly and the young ones, and knows how to behave in public, using masks, sanitizers, and other hygiene products the right way to ensure they avoid getting the virus or spreading it to the others.

This way, even though people were not out shopping, they were ordering food, clothing, furnishings, health and fitness equipment, and other items online to ensure everyone’s wellbeing. This led to a boom in the online shopping industry, and many people found jobs as even the malls and shops were closed, the demand for various items remained high during the lockdown. While the world population faced a serious crisis, there were some positive effects of Covid-19 on the global economy that saved it from complete ruin. It is these positive effects that are helping millions of people survive and live respectably despite such testing times.