How Can Subconsciousness Affect Decision-Making Ability?

Subconsciousness 1


The decision making skill of a person depends on the state of mind. The state of mind is of three types, consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness. The way a person decides to do something is a dependent variable. In other words, before taking a decision, a person thinks about previous experiences. Bad past experiences have the power to change our decision in a negative sense. Yet, good experiences encourage us to go for even the risky things. So, we can say that the state of mind is the major factor affecting decision-making skills.

In this article, we will define all three states of mind. Then, we will show how subconsciousness affects the decision-making skills of a person. In the end, we will give an example to show the effect of the subconsciousness of the mind in making a decision.

Definitions Of Different States Of Mind

1) Consciousness

Consciousness is the state of knowing everything about a process. According to the dissertation writing service firm said that the conscious person thinks in all directions before finalising anything. He is capable of seeing the bright and the dark side of a situation. Hence, the decisions made by a conscious mind are flexible enough. The conscious person is well aware of all possible outcomes. They are ready for the circumstances that may appear.

2) Unconsciousness

According to psychologists, unconsciousness is an act of ignoring environmental clues. For example, head injuries damage may cause a state of unconsciousness. Another reason for unconsciousness includes nerve damage.

3) Subconsciousness

Subconsciousness is the part of the human brain that is not active for some time. This is because the memory-related to some experiences become fader with time. After a certain time, these experiences become part of our subconsciousness. This is because the human brain can’t keep every piece of knowledge in fresh memory. Forgetting is the nature of the human brain. Still, after many years, experiences store in subconsciousness transfers to the forgetting memory.

After defining all states of mind. It’s time to show the relation between subconsciousness and human behaviour?

Subconsciousness And The Human Brain

The human brain is a self-operating system. Many studies have proved this point. For example, spoon-feeding affects the outcome of the human brain. The self-operating system means that the brain can make better decisions without even being conscious. The research on subconscious behaviour suggests that ‘the stem of human behaviour originates from the subconscious part of the brain.’

So, we can say that subconsciousness controls human behaviours. The following section will discuss the relationship between human behaviours and subconsciousness.

Subconsciousness And Thoughts

Subconsciousness 2Your brain keeps working on problems without informing you. This fact is quite interesting. This interesting fact shows the importance of subconsciousness in your daily life. For example, when you sleep, you are not in a conscious state. You do not give any command to your brain. But, still, your brain works on previous problems. Hence, subconsciousness drives your thoughts.

Subconsciousness And Memory Consolidation

When we are sleeping, our mind remains in a state of subconsciousness. Thus, subconsciousness is a bridge between consciousness and unconsciousness. Recently, the researchers proved that memory consolidation is a property of subconsciousness. But, you might think, how is this possible? Let me explain.

During sleep, the neurons of our brain communicate with each other. This communication allows neurons from different parts of the brain to exchange information. This consolidation helps in storing new information with existing memory. So, we can say that this process allows you to make subconscious memory. The subconscious memory is a mixture of your previous (memory) and current knowledge.

Subconsciousness And Insight Behaviour

The integrated behaviour of humans depends on subconsciousness. But, many researchers struggled to prove this claim. This is because subconsciousness indeed controls the integrated behaviours of humans. Let me explain by an example.

In a shopping mall, we have thousands of things to adds to our cart. So then, what runs our decision to select any product? The answer is ‘subconsciousness’. In a study, researchers tested the factors affecting buying behaviour of a person. The study concluded that factors (packing, brand, convenience) do not govern buying behaviour to such an extent. But, the emotions, perceptions and thoughts running the mind’s background allow you to select the products. Hence, we can conclude that the state of subconsciousness drives your behaviour.

Subconsciousness And Decision-Making Skills

The current findings from many studies show that subconsciousness has a great effect on decision-making skills. In daily life, human makes thousand of decisions, and most of them are subconscious. Some things have become our habit, and we don’t need to think before going for them.

This example will help you show relations between subconsciousness and decision-making skills; you can do an easy exercise. For example, recall your all-day activities and remember decisions you made all day around. Next, draw three columns on paper. Label each with conscious, nonconscious and subconscious. Then, start adding all decisions you made according to these states of mind. I am sure the longest list will belong to subconscious decisions.


SubconsciousnessAccording to a researcher of cheap dissertation writing services firm, when you go to buy a car first time. You cannot take subconscious decisions. But, after buying many cars, you can take subconscious decisions. The reason behind this fact is simple. It shows how your brain combines your past experiences and current thoughts in the back of your mind. So, after doing a task, you can make the correct decision like a pro. This is how subconsciousness drives your decision-making skills.

Hence, in the first step, we proved that subconsciousness affects humans’ toughs. Then, we explained the relation between subconsciousness and memory consolidation. Yet, in the third step, we found that subconsciousness governs human behaviour. Finally, in the fourth step, we draw results from facts showing the relation between subconsciousness and decision-making skills. In the end, I must say human behaviour, human thoughts, and memory consolidation all affect a person’s decision-making skills.